What level of code quality for my projects?
Critical software require very precise verification methods whose implementation and supervision increasingly impact delivery times.
We will show you how TIOBE's TiCS solution can help you determine the level of quality required for your projects based on their criticality.
The Quality Model TIOBE Quality Indicator (TQI) allows to measure and
target the corrections necessary to guarantee the best level of quality in the source code of the projects.
TiCS also allows projects to be compared with each other or against our database of more than 4,000 verified and monitored projects,
which represent more than 1 BILLION lines of code analyzed every night.
- TiCS presentation,
- Demonstration of the different browsers: TiCS Enterprise Dashboard / TiCS Intranet Viewer / TiCS IDE Integration,
- Installation - license - pricing - Maintenance in operational conditions.
Date to be fixed - duration: 1 hour