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Trusted Product Maintainability

TIOBE TÜViT Trusted Product Maintainability ISO/IEC 25010

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Complex software systems tend to be very large nowadays. For instance, a modern car contains more than 100 million lines of code. Important quality characteristics for such large software systems are Reliability and Security. But there is more. Imagine that 100 million lines of code is a book of about 1.8 million pages of text if printed out. Who is able to maintain such a vast amount of pages? With this in mind, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the maintenance costs of a software system take about 90% of the total software life time costs. So Maintainability is another important quality characteristic that needs to be taken seriously.

The TIOBE TÜViT Trusted Product Maintainability ISO/IEC 25010 Quality Model is a pragmatic way to get an overview of the maintainability of software code before release, or even earlier, during the software development process. The indicator combines well-known code quality metrics by defining how they are measured and how the outcome of the resulting measurements should be evaluated. Based on this, a software system is labelled between A and F. These levels represent descending quality levels in terms of software maintainability.

> Download the TIOBE TÜViT Trusted Product Maintainability ISO/IEC 25010 Quality Model








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