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Why choose TiCS?
The motivations of our customers for choosing TiCS are very varied. Here is a set of 7 cases:
Unified interface, whatever languages and tools used
TiCS collects the output data of several tools and places them in a repository. The TiCS Viewer makes it possible to present the KPIs and all the data down to annotated lines of code through its own interfaces. Multiple tools can be combined, for example for checking coding standards while maintaining a single interface.
Common quality model, shared by all TiCS users. Quality Gates allow you to create your own KPIs to complement the analysis
Since 2001, TIOBE has developed a public quality model based on ISO 25010 (and ISO 25023) and which is widely used (> 7,000 projects and 1.1 billion lines of code analyzed every day).
The highest KPI level is the TQI (TIOBE Quality Indicator), ranging from A (excellent quality) to F (very low quality). Quality Gates, combinations of metrics available in the repository, allow you to create your own KPIs; all calculated automatically.
Ensure that acquired tools are actually used
Since the appearance of the first analysis/testing tools, our customers face the following difficulties: 1/ integrating them into their development ecosystem, 2/ ensure that they are actually used and 3/ get relevant information from their outputs.
TiCS automatically launches your tools, whether they are freeware, commercial or internally developed. There is no longer any need to train teams to know how to launch them, retrieve reports and interpret the results since TiCS immediately shows actionable results in 1 click.
Guarantee that code analysis are launched with the same parameters on all projects
How to ensure that all tools are used in a uniform way, according to industry standards and company requirements? And this regardless of development technology used and whoever the user?
TIOBE has developed the most advanced solution available today, with 20 years of experience and customers such as Philips, Volkswagen and Huawei. TiCS is a centralized enterprise-level, multi-language, multi-project and multi-site solution.
Server parameters are used by client workstations to ensure identical replication of the analyzes. If some projects require a different level of analysis (SIL, CERT, DO178, 26262, MISRA, internal, ...) our consultants will do the configuration for you or will give you the control of the infrastructure to do it yourself if you prefer to do so.
In the view below, all projects are analyzed with the same quality model:
Provide developers with simple access to launch all checks from their workstations, with one click
Whether on Windows, Linux or Mac, developers can run their analysis, from the command line or with a plugin in their favorite IDE. With the plugin, choose one or more files or ask TiCS to select the locally modified files and click on the launch icon, that's it!
From the command line, create a batch file (one line only) and directly run your analysis. In any case, the results will be there in a few seconds, immediately usable, without having to master the multiple tools launched by your simple click!.
Be able to justify a strategy for improving the quality and security of the code
How to improve code quality?
Some actions are common: for example, fixing all level 1 anomalies (compilation warnings, Data Flow Analysis, Coding Standards: if we have set them to this level, it is because we do not want to have any of them in our releases!).
But then, how to deal with all messages provided by our tools? TiCS offers several strategies that will allow you to considerably improve the quality and security of your code while justifying your efforts.
The TQI Calculator allows you to validate strategies in a few minutes:

The TODO List calculates the impact of correcting an anomaly on the code's quality and/or security. This way, while respecting the quality model, you make the most relevant corrections in the time that you have:
Integration with your ecosystem and all installation operations are done by our consultants
Tools Integration is one of our core businesses. Our commitment is also to provide a turnkey solution and to maintain it for our customers. Over time, teams skill improvement allows our customers to carry out many specific settings.
Allow us to add an 8th case: Technical Support is Excellent! (but only a TiCS POC will allow you to make up your own mind)
We pay great attention to the responsiveness of our technical support.
Questions asked by phone/email are often answered within one day and we commit ourselves to answer all questions within a maximum of 2 days. Critical bugs are resolved within a maximum of one week.
The whole documentation is available online:
A system for sending emails from your TiCS server allows us to know if an analysis was unsuccessful and why (unless you do not want to send emails to the outside, in which case they are redirected to an internal address).
A Bug Tracking system allows our customers to submit tickets and follow them.
Latest news

2024 November 11
Robin Radar Systems checks code quality
Robin Radar Systems, developer of bird and drone radar detection systems, starts using TIOBE's TiCS Framework to measure code quality.

2024 June 21
Schiphol checks code quality
Schiphol, Europe's 4th largest airport with over 60 million yearly passangers, starts using TIOBE's TiCS Framework to measure code quality.

2023 October 18
Fortune Technologies checks code quality
Fortune Technologies, a Taiwanese high-tech firm that provides enterprise IT solutions, has started to use TIOBE's TiCS Framework to measure code quality.